Thursday, November 4, 2010

Be thankful

I'm in the stage of life where I get very little sleep and am extremely tired all the time. I am constantly reminding myself that life does it easier, full nights sleep will eventually come, and my babies will grow up and be more independent. Carson is living proof that kids get on better schedules, sleep patterns, and more independent. It's easy for me to complain about being so tired or the craziness my days sometimes hold. But today I was reminded to be thankful b/c some people out there want so desperately to be in my shoes and can't. I was speaking with a past fellow co-worker and he longingly looked at my baby stating how they have been trying so hard to have a second baby but things are working out yet. As I left he said he would give anything for those sleepless nights. boy - that hit me. First of all to pray for him, he's not a Christian, but also my heart breaks for him and his wife. They are lovely people. God please show them your love somehow.

God help me to always remember how blessed I am, to focus on your love and goodness, and to always be thankful for what you give me. I don't want to complain, I want to praise you. Thank you, Ted Michel, for that reminder.


Michelle said...

My eyes just welled up with tears reading this post! Thanks for sharing. I fail to be thankful myself, at times. It can be so hard, but it's so necessary.

Trina Mayfield said...

My eyes did too, Michelle. What a great reminder to be THANKFUL! And what a great post to remind us to thank the Lord this month of November. I'm so thankful that your heart is so sensitive, Jess. I LOVE YOU!

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