Friday, December 24, 2010

Mom's should never get sick

So my question the last day was - Who takes care of you when you're sick????
As a kid growing up I was known as the baby/ whimp when it came to being sick. I would lay on the couch and whine and moan, and I always wanted someone there sitting with me. :( Kinda like my mom, her and I both like to be with someone and just lay on the couch and moan and get lots of sympathy.
Wednesday night Richard and I both started feeling really sick. and the rest of the night is history. And keep in mind we only have one bathroom. :( It was a long night for both of us. i was just dreading the next day. Thankfully both boys slept good that night. All day I wanted to just sit on the couch and moan and have someone visit me. But nope - "mommying" never stops, and b/c Richard was sicker than me - no rest for me. I did get a small nap in, but still had to feed the baby, and take care of Carson. It was a long day for the Gardner house.
I guess my lazy sick days are over. :( No more laying on the couch moaning with someone visiting. I'm the one comforting everyone now. So sad.

Does not feel like Christmas eve to me - and I still have so much to do to get ready.
Now that I'm feeling better - presents to finish wrapping, food to make, and lots and lots of cleaning for my in laws coming tonight.
Tomorrow should be so much fun with family. Hoping the sickness is all behind us so we can enjoy Christmas together.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sick Toddler

Carson has been very sick this week. There is only one other time he has been sick that he just lays around and that was only a high fever.
On monday night he started throwing up at supper time and didn't stop until about 11pm. :( He was so sad to watch. He had never experienced that before and the fear I saw in his eyes every time he would start to gag and I would put the bowl up to his mouth. He would shake his head and look at me as if to say " No, not again, make it stop"!!!!!!!! He would just scream in between gags until that episode was over and then huddle down in my lap and fall back asleep. It was awful as a mother to watch. I kept saying "it's ok, don't worry". But he still looked so afraid and confused about what was going on. I just wanted to throw up for him. He slept with us that night for the first time ever. but I didn't want to be running into his room ever 15 min to hold the bowl up to his mouth, plus I didn't want him to be all alone. Thankfully he stopped dry heaving about 11 and he slept through the night with us. The next day on tues he was at least keeping liquids down, but didn't eat much more than a handful of kix dry cereal.
Today he isn't much better, except I've gotten some gatorade and a few saltines in him today. Still lays around sleeping. After a while tries to get up and play and then climbs back into my lap to rest. :( I keep offering all kinds of food - food that's good for an upset stomach and food that I know he likes. neither of which does he take more than a bite of. I'm just thankful for the 2 and half glasses of gatorade he's drank.
I hope I get my spunky little toddler back soon. and that no one else in the family gets this bug!!!!
Meanwhile - we've had 2 pajama days at our house and I haven't accomplished very much at all. Phew - how can I be so tired though. :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I love Mail

If anyone knows me well, you know that I LOVE MAIL!!!!
I blame it on my mother and the fact that we grew up in Ecuador.
Mail getting to Ecuador or back from Ecuador to the US always took months. Back then there was no email or internet especially down there. So I had the good ol' pen pals. :) I kept in touch with several friends here in the states, but I would write a letter and then it would be a few months before I heard back from them. The average time for a letter to travel was about 6 weeks I think. But it was always a big event when we would go to the Post Office. We always had to go into town, or the capitol to get it. And that was usually no more than once week. so it was always so much fun to see what letters or cards were waiting in the mail for me to read and write back. I love writing letters, but probably b/c I understand that in order to receive a letter I need to write a letter.

I still remember the day we got email set up in our house and I got to write my first one to a friend. It was so cool!!!!! I was about 13 or 14 I think. Since then I love seeing that there is an email in my inbox, whether it was for work, or junk email, or personal email. Its' so fun.

My favorite time of day is when I hear the mailman open my box out front and then walk away. He comes early to my house usually before 11 and I love going to see what mail is there. even if it's junk mail I get excited to see mail in the box. And then just as soon as I check it I can't wait until I get to check it again tomorrow. Sometimes around 3ish in the afternoon, I am disappointed that I can't go check mail again, b/c I already did it as soon as i heard him. I'm kinda weird like that.
This time of year is so much fun b/c there is always something in the mail. And Usually its cards from friends.
B/c my mom is even worse than me about any type of mail I had purposed to write to her in Ecuador. I know her mother used to write to her every week. I need to be honest here and admit that I have really gotten bad since we do facebook and skype a lot but I know how much it means to her to get a hand written letter from me and I really need to make sure I am better about writing to her again.
And just remember if you want to receive mail you need to write letters to people. :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The coveted 3 Months

Landon has finally made it to 3 months old. I LOVE IT WHEN THEY turn 3 months old. :) Some mothers love the baby stage, but I feel like I am waiting until they hit 3 months old. They start smiling so much at you, recognizing you, seeing you across the room, staying awake more, and my babies have both been on a great schedule by 3 months. On Dec 8th Landon turned 3 months old. He is growing so much too. Way faster than Carson.
When I think back to that first week with him in the hospital I just and so thankful that I'm past those days, and things are going so good now. He sleeps about 8 hrs now, and most days goes down for all his naps very good. He loves being held a lot more than Carson but also seems to be content just sitting and watching us.
I had a WIC apt for his 3 months, and he was already 14lbs!!! I couldn't believe it. :)
Carson loves him more and more each day too. I am so much better now at getting out of the house and thinking through everything I need.
I just have been overwhelmed lately with the gift that God has given me with these 2 boys, and am thankful every day for them.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Tradition

Richard and I haven't started too many traditions for Christmas season yet. We are still in the stage of traveling to see other relatives over the holidays. Which come to think of it - we will probably do forever b/c our families are so spread out.
Some of our traditions include:
1. driving around on Christmas eve night looking at all the lights in our pjs
2. getting an ornament with a frame and the year and putting our family picture from that year in it
3. my all time favorite (b/c my mom never let me do it when I was little) - giving eachother a present on Christmas eve to open that night!!!!! (and we decided it will be our little secret, and we won't let our kids do it either, just between the 2 of us) :)
4. We always get a real Christmas tree. Mostly b/c I'm a Spence. (my mom's dad owned a farm and made his livelihood by selling Christmas trees in the winter both wholesale and retail).

Some of the food we have:
1. Almond ring
2. Homemade Caramels
3. Cookies of course

I'm not very crafty or decorative minded. I don't know if it's b/c I'm not amibitious enough to put effort into it or just b/c I don't think it's that important. But our house is simply decorated. WE are finding that this time of year gets less and less exciting as you get older. Maybe the reality of life and the fact that presents don't just appear under the tree, and the busyness of life still continues with responsibilites. But as my boys get older I want it to be special for them and enjoyable. I purpose in my heart that no matter where we are financially or location wise I will always make Christmas special for my boys so they can have the great family memories that I grew up with.
Merry Christmas!!! Let's not forget what we are actually celebrating this time of year - The gospel that gives us hope every day.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I normally wouldn't post something like this - but God has just been impressing on my mind over and over again to be thankful for my children and not complain b/c they are truly a blessing from him, and I love them with all my life. But also God loves them more than me. SO many thoughts running through my mind right now. How would I react if God chose in his love to have this road for me.

If you don't know the story behind this song - I suggest that you go and read about it from the Group Selah. this video will bring you to tears and make you go and hug your children extra long and thank God for them.

In the last month God has really been bringing people into my life dealing with difficulties of life regarding their children. God help to always trust you and be thankful for the gifts you have given me in my children.

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