Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Buenos días

I grew up in Ecuador, South America ( I always add that b/c someone did ask me if it was in Africa one time). That means I speak/write/read Spanish fluently. This talent is nothing I did for myself. Probably if I actually had to work for it, it would never have happened. I don't remember a time when I didn't know Spanish. I learned how to speak/read/write English and Spanish at the same time. My mom used to not allow us to speak Spanish inside our house so that we would not forget our English. This "talent" has become very beneficial to me my whole life. Every job I've ever gotten was b/c I was bilingual.
I had high aspirations of teaching my children Spanish and wanting them to be somewhat competent in a second language. At first with my firstborn, I would talk to him as a baby in Spanish throughout the day. Then it started getting harder and harder for me to remember. My excuse - Richard doesn't speak Spanish, so our household is not Spanish at all! And lets face it - who talks to a baby very much. I found it hard to talk with him when I was getting no response from him at all!!! ha.
Then - he started learning words. I thought "perfect, I will teach him the spanish words". Have you ever tried to teach a kid how to say ball or please in Spanish? Not easy to say at all!!!! (pelota, por favor) So again I stopped. :( I wonder if my kids will learn it at all. And to be honest with myself it's up to me. :(
Now he talks a lot and has quite a big vocabulary. So I would really like to be intentional with teaching him the Spanish words. I thought videos like this will help me. (disclaimer - some out there have terrible pronunciation, and I will not stand for that in my house, but this one is good)

1 comment:

Trina Mayfield said...

Repetition is the key and he will start doing it. I'm trying to get Dayana to get on E-mail with you so that she can tell you what Spanish words to teach and you can tell her what English words to teach her kids. She thinks it's a great idea, but she just doesn't get on E-mail much (or the computer for that matter). Maybe we can work something out before it's too late!:-)

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