Today I think I got a little too ambitious. Potty training has been one of the things that I have dreaded the most so far about parenting. I've watched as others have potty trained their kids. I've tried to talk to a few people about how/what they did. I talked to my sister, I learned about "potty training in a day" and just was not looking forward to it and felt like it was this huge goal that was soooo unattainable.
today I feel overwhelmed - missing friends, not knowing where I will fit in here, trying to potty train, trying to take care of my house and children, trying to not worry about a job, and craving social gatherings.
I'm not old - but one thing I've learned in my life is that everything is a phase. i need to be patient and relax about it. Kids always go through phases. Carson will eventually pee by himself. Landon will eventually eat normal food. I will eventually have close friends here. Richard will get a job. We will soon be busier than we want to be with people and church and community.
Claiming truth tonight and asking for patience to get through this introductory time in our lives. I know God loves me and is taking care of me. i know he will be glorified in me. Maybe I was a little too ambitious - but I've reached the point of no return. Tomorrow is another day.
P.S. I'm pleased with how potty training went today. He told me when he had to go all but one time today. he was using his little seat and excited about it. I want to be successful and be able to tell everyone I did it in one day and he got it. But i can't put those things on myself. he understands it, we will go at it again tomorrow. He will get it eventually - but I am pleased that he only had one accident today.
Pss - Company was great! Dinner tasted good. and we enjoyed visiting with new friends and getting to know them. I'm so glad they came over.
such an encouraging post. thanks Jess. You've been a great reminder that there are always things to be thankful for, even when life feels incredibly overwhelming. I remember those potty training feelings SO clearly after you described them. Going to the store IS overwhelming, so you aren't alone! But eventually, you'll look back and think it was a breeze (just like having a baby - ha!). :)
Jess, it sounds like your off to a great start! Potty training is overwhelming. It seems to be more mental than anything else. I remember that i had a towel in Danny's carseat in case of accidents and always had a pare of new clothes in the already filled diaperbag. He will get it :-) You have the right perspective and don't let the little things bother you. Love ya and miss ya!!
Just remember, Carson will get it (before he's 10 for sure!:-)) and Landon will be eating food (before he's 5 for sure), so don't stress out about the day to day. I know you already know this, but I just thought I'd remind you. (I'm your mother so I can give reminders!) It sounds like he did great on the first day and I hope he's still doing well.
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