Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Been struggling with what to write recently. We haven't been doing much exciting, and I have been very uninspired about what to write. I fear sounding pessimistic and "unbiblical" and don't want to offend people or sound too self consumed.

A little about what's going on -
-We've been staying busy having people over to our house, watching football games, eating food and also enjoying the social things that take place. Getting to know wonderful people.
-I've been keeping up running - the cold and dark make it hard. But today I found a group to run with on weds mornings, so that makes me happy.
-Richard's work is going great! He has had a few more late nights and unexpected things -which is to be expected - and we are thankful for the work and the provision for our family.
-Landon is 14 months old, yesterday! I cannot believe it. (time for another one, :) jk, sorta hahahaha) He is still so sweet and so cute. Although he is getting a little feistier and showing his opinion more - he is still so laid back and easy going. He is walking like crazy and it really is the cutest thing ever. Brightens my day every day!

this just makes me laugh!

-Carson's little stint of "draining my parents of all confidence and energy" has calmed down. I'm pleased to let you all know - our days are much more peaceful and filled with much more obedience choices and for that I am very thankful.

I love this smile!

-Richard is on his first "business trip" (first time for me that I could not go to my sister's house :( ). We tried to enjoy our time with going to library, watching a special movie way past our bedtime, eating lunch at a park, and we plan to not do much else tomorrow waiting for him to come home. :)
-we really love living back in CO, and especially Fort Collins. It is a great city to move to.
-I miss the comfort-ability in relationships that I had in PA, but I'm also excited for the new ones here in CO. It's a process and teaches me my selfishness and how much I need to depend on God for my joy and satisfaction, and not relationships with friends or my husband. (this by the way is a very long process that for sure I have not accomplished, even close, but I'm a work in progress)
-did I mention in about 14 days we will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary???!?!!! yeah, can you tell I'm excited. I love to look forward to and celebrate any milestone. I think we actually might get to do something special too - more on that to come. :)
He truly is my best friend
and Love of my life
-Have been convicted and challenged and encouraged a lot lately on my attitude towards Motherhood, enjoying the moments, understanding the privilege it is. I've been contemplating so much how the mother sets the tone for the household, how much of a responsibility I have to raise these children. Mulling a lot of that sorta stuff over. But nothing too concrete to share with you all. Not very eloquent tonight.

Ok - that's enough rambling. Maybe next post will be a little more exciting. Until then - have a good week everyone. It's late and I should head to bed now! sweet dreams!


The Kurty Story; From my point of view said...

I LIKE YOUR NEW PICTURE AND HOW YOU CHANGED SOME THINGS AROUND!! I didn't think it was boring, I love hearing about your life. You always inspire me to be a better person, mother, wife, and i thank you!!
P.S. My keyboard was doing something weird, thats why it is in caps to start :/

Trina Mayfield said...

I agree with Jeje, I LOVE hearing about your life. It's not boring to me at all. And, even though I usually know what you're doing, I love reading your posts on here and how you express yourself. You are a great wife and mother and it's so fun to see how you're growing and learning!

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