Monday, February 18, 2013

The day of Love

I wasn't really going to document the day - but then this V-day while we were out on our date we tried to remember all the 8 valentine's days we've been together and there was like 3 we couldn't remember and they weren't in my blog to help me. So I decided to document it, so I can remember this one. Ha

My day started out with an early (6am) 5 mile run with my dear running friends. I love that I have a group to meet and run with and talk and catch up and hang out. It's been one of the best things for me since moving here. Such a diverse group of ladies, mostly all quite a bit older than me and from totally different walks, but it's so fun to have that bond with running and feeling healthy.

As soon as I walked in the door around 7am Richard had the boys all dressed and ready to walk out the door. The boys came rushing to me with cards that he helped them make and some chocolate.  I hardly had time to set down my gloves and water bottle b/c we rushed out the door and went out for breakfast - which happens to be one of my all time favorite things to do. (we had to make it back in time for me to watch the baby that I watch).

We got home and gave the boys their little gifts - Undewear and Paints - they need the undies and they love paint these days. So it was a good gift. I had bought the conversation hearts but a package that provided a pen safe to ingest and bland hearts so all day I left little personalized candies for him to find. I thought that was a fun little idea for him.

I wrote about the wonderful couple that volunteered to watch our kids for us - so we dropped off the boys and had our date night. But for the boys they got pathetically shaped heart quesadillas. :)
We went to El Monte - which is a great Mexican restaurant. But it's a little more upscale food than you think of when you think Mexican - and we had a very enjoyable evening.

The only sad part is - Landon started throwing up that night (it's not fun having a romantic evening and then waking up out of a dead sleep to puking in the middle of the night, then spending the rest of the night on the living room floor with you poor helpless child. But at least we got out. :) ) - so when I thought we were cleared, we weren't! And we've been battling it still. I got a tiny bit of something - but the rest of the family has been very sick. Carson and boys seemed better today finally - but Richard is sick. YUCK!

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